From News Media Canada:

While some international reports have helped document this phenomenon, there is no systematic study available for Canada. That’s why News Media Canada, along with several other professional associations, is asking you to take part in an industry-wide survey about online hate and harm against media professionals.

This survey of practising media professionals is conducted by the research firm, Ipsos and sponsored by CBC/Radio-Canada in partnership with professional associations. This survey will provide us and our industry with data to help us advocate for initiatives that address this problem, and to support those who experience online harassment.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey before October 11.


The survey should take you less than 15 minutes. All your responses will remain confidential. If you start completing the survey and have to step away for any reason, your answers will be saved so that you can return at a more convenient time using the same device and browser.

It is important that the survey be completed by the largest and widest possible number of respondents. To achieve this goal, we have asked many associations to distribute the survey. As a result, you may receive this email from multiple associations. However, you only need to respond once.

If you have questions about the survey, please read this FAQ.

Finally, if you do experience online harassment and need help, please make sure to talk to someone you trust and use the resources available to you. If the situation is causing significant distress, you can call 1-833-456-4566 (24/7), or visit Crisis Services Canada for text or chat options.

Thank you, and take good care of yourself.
